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Selected Chinese Stories of The Song and Ming Dynasties (English-Chinese)

Rok: 2001
ISBN: 9787119028842
OKCZID: 110767181

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
FENG, Menglong. Song Ming ping hua xuan =: Selected Chinese stories of the Song and Ming dynasties. Překlad Xianyi YANG, překlad Gladys YANG. Di 1 ban. Beijing: Wai wen chu ban she, 2001. 523 s. Jingdian de huisheng.



Foreign Languages Press is dedicated to the editing, translating and publishing of books in foreign languages. Over the past several decades it has published, in English, a great number of China's classics and records as well as literary works from the Qin down to modern times, in the aim to fully display the best part of the Chinese culture and its achievements. These books in the original are famous and authoritative in their respective fields, and their English translations are masterworks produced by notable translators both at home and abroad. Each book is carefully compiled and translated with minute precision. Consequently, the English versions as well as their Chinese originals may both be rated as classics. It is generally considered that these English translations are not only significant for introducing China to the outside world but also useful reading materials for domestic English learners and translators. For this reason, we have carefully selected some of these books, and will published them successively in Chinese-English bilingual form.

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