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Immobilized Biomolecules in Analysis: A Practical Approach (The Practical Approach Series)

Rok: 1999
ISBN: 9780199636365
OKCZID: 110771659



Biosensors are rising to the forefront of technology because they show that humans can harness the incredible functions of living molecules and cells and use them in valuable ways. Biomolecules and cells are critical components of biosensors. In order for these components to function in an artificial environment, they must be immobilized in a way that does not affect their interactions. This useful book provides a selection of the most current methods for immobilizing biomolecules and cells on a variety of surfaces so that they retain their functionality. The book also includes analytical techniques for measuring the functionality of immobilized biomolecules. All of the protocols have been tried and validated by the authors. The methods are easily repeatable, and the authors have carefully crafted the instructions so that they can be used without an extensive prior knowledge of biochemistry. Research in biosensors is carried out in a wide variety of fields including biochemistry, chemistry, engineering, laboratory medicine, environmental and defense research. This guide will be invaluable to researchers in all of these disciplines.

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