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Determinants of job satisfaction : meaning, importance and implications

Autor: Daniel W. Kasomo
Rok: 2010
ISBN: 9783838388137
OKCZID: 110782651

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
KASOMO, Daniel W. Determinants of job satisfaction: meaning, importance and implications. Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010. 90 s.



Today state and private institutions must know determinants of job satisfaction: achievement, recognition, advancement, work-itself and responsibility. Factors such as low salary, method of promotion, inadequate supply of work materials, harassment from institutions management, job security and interpersonal relations cause job dissatisfaction among the employess. This study therefore sought to investigate the factors that affect job satisfaction among employees.Data was scientificaly analysed and results discussed and presented in the book. Administrators should have some understanding of the factors that influence job satisfaction and the impact it has on employees involvement.There is a close link between job satisfaction and work effectiveness. It can be argued that employees experiencing job satisfaction in most cases is effective if other factors that affect effectiveness are controlled.Satisfaction with work is important since it is connected with effectiveness, which ultimately affects achievement.This book is an asset for employers and employees in both state and private sector regardless of job grade to ensure that the primary aim of the institute is met.

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