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Recruiting and Retaining Teachers: Understanding Why Teachers Teach

Rok: 2003
ISBN: 9780415284394
OKCZID: 110786169

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
COCKBURN, Anne D. Recruiting and retaining teachers: understanding why teachers teach. 1st pub. London: RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. x, 166 s.



Why is there a teacher shortage? How can headteachers recruit and retain good teachers?As teacher shortage becomes an ever greater problem, headteachers and senior management teams are looking for more effective ways to attract and keep teachers in their schools. This book gives useful advice on how to do this and covers issues such as:* Young people's career selection* Choosing a first teaching job* Sustaining interest in the profession* Being a supply teacher and what individuals and others can do to enhance the situation Based on research with teachers about why they teach and what attracts them to the schools they teach in, Recruiting and Retaining Teachers will be helpful to headteachers and senior managers in all schools. It will also be of interest to education managers, education authority advisers and policy makers.

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