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Form i fokus: Övningsbok i svensk grammatik; Del A (learningswedish)

Rok: 1996
ISBN: 9789174343977
OKCZID: 110791124

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
FASTH, Cecilia. Form i fokus: övningar i svensk grammatik. Lund: Folkuniversitetets förlag, 2009. 263 s.



Form i fokus Three exercise books for Swedish grammar training from beginners' level. The books are intended for you who recently have begun your Swedish studies or who need a repetition of the basics of grammar. Form i fokus combines exercises with a thorough presentation of rules and structures. Each element is clarified by examples. The books contain exercises in everyday idiomatic language. They are quite varied, making grammar practice stimulating. Certain exercises are designed for creative writing. Book A has a great number of illustrations to facilitate the learning process. Answers to the exercices in all three books are available separately. Form i focus A cd-rom offers students further opportunities to practise with the help of the computer. The program contains around 200 exercises arranged according to parts of speech and grammar points. Each point is introduced by a short diagnostic test. The program is an exellent aid to self-study. Grammatical explanations complement most of the exercises. The pc-program exercises are based on Form i focus A.

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