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The Elbow : endoprosthetic replacement and non-endoprosthetic prodedures

Rok: cop. 1996
ISBN: 9783540592457
OKCZID: 110792011
Vydání: [1st ed.]

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
RÜTHER, W., ed. The Elbow: endoprosthetic replacement and non-endoprosthetic prodedures. [1st ed.]. Berlin: Springer, 1996. XI, 207 s.



Endoprosthetic replacement of the elbow is an operation which is still rarely undertaken. It is indicated in chronic polyarthritic conditions and joint damage due to trauma. A considerable number of different prostheses are commercially available. In this unique collection of papers, the authors discuss methods, implantation techniques, and surgical results and complications. Particular emphasis has been placed on the complications related to the prostheses and surgical revision. In addition, alternative techniques are presented.

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