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Acidic deposition and forest soils :context and case studies of the southeastern United States

Rok: 1988
ISBN: 9783540968894
ISBN: 9780387968896
OKCZID: 110799820

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BINKLEY, Dan. Acidic Deposition and Forest Soils: Context and Casa Studies of the Southeastern United States. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1989, 149 s. Ecological studies. Analysis and synthesis, vol. 72. ISBN 0-387-96889-X.



Aimed at ecologists, soil science, and forestry researchers as well as environmental managers concerned with the protection of forest resources, this book examines the indirect, soil-mediated effects acidic deposition are compared with historical trends and those in other regions. The authors discuss the geomorphology and major types of soil involved, assess their sensitivity and the effect of changing nutrient supplies, present simulation models, and offer recommendations for future research and environmental policy.

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