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Poetry Wales: 25 Years

Rok: 1991
ISBN: 9781854110312
OKCZID: 110806899

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ARCHARD, Cary. Poetry Wales: 25 years. Bridgend: Poetry Wales Press, 1990. 8, 257 s.



This selection of 117 contributions is a fascinating record of twenty-five years of poetry writing. It includes not only poetry but also articles about famous poets such as Dylan Thomas and Gwenallt, and controversial letters and editorials on Anglo-Welsh poetry and politics. Poetry Wales has never been a coterie magazine and has always embraced the wide world of poetry outside Wales, even outside Britain. Although this anthology focuses on Welsh writers, the magazine's extraordinary range and variety is represented here by poets such as Herbert and Heaney and by articles on subjects as diverse as 'Women's Poetry' and 'Poetry in the USA'.

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