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Nanostructured oxides

Rok: c2009
ISBN: 9783527321520
OKCZID: 110836793

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
KUMAR, Challa S. S. R., ed. Nanomaterials for the life sciences. Vol. 2. Nanostructured oxides. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2009. xxiii, 507 s.



These ten volumes provide an excellent, in-depth overview of all nanomaterial types and their uses in the life sciences. Each volume is dedicated to a specific material class and covers fundamentals, synthesis strategies, structure-property relationships, material behaviour finetuning, biological effects and applications in the life sciences. All important material classes are covered: metallic, metal oxide, magnetic, carbon, polymeric, composite and semiconducting nanomaterials as well as nanostructured surfaces and films. It serves as a major reference work in the field that brings together pertinent knowledge formerly widely spread out over many different sources.

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