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Land law : directions

Autor: Sandra Clarke, Sarah Greer
Rok: 2010
ISBN: 9780199573318
OKCZID: 110840132

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
CLARKE, Sandra. Land law: directions. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. xxxv, 477 s. Online resource centre.


Land Law: Directions provides a lively introduction to land law to make this traditionally daunting subject both clear and engaging. All the key topics covered on an undergraduate course are explained with the use of helpful learning features, colored diagrams and photographs for a truly contemporary and student-centered approach. Combining an animated writing style with useful definitions, examples and thinking points, this book breaks down difficult concepts into manageable sections. Photographs offer an immediate visual illustration of otherwise abstract concepts, while a special chapter, 'Completing the Puzzle', links all the topics together and shows how they would apply to a fictional piece of land. Offering tailored advice on revision and exam technique and supported by an extensive Online Resource Centre, Land Law: Directions is the ideal textbook for the modern student of land law.Online Resource Centre:This book is accompanied by an innovative Online Resource Centre with a wealth of additional features for both students and lecturers:For lecturers:· A customizable test bank of 150 multiple-choice questions with answers and feedback· Diagrams and photographs from the book in PowerPoint formatFor students:· A flashcard glossary· Suggested approaches to the questions in the book· Updates in land law· Advanced topics for further study· Selected web links

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