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Mongoose, R.I.P.

Rok: 1989
ISBN: 9780440202318
OKCZID: 110846175

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BUCKLEY, William F. Mongoose, R.I.P. New York: Dell, 1989. 373 s.



The year is 1963. Fidel Castro seeks revenge for his humiliation during the missile crisis while President Kennedy and his brother Robert have their own plan for ending the menance of the Caribbean dictator. It's called Operation Mongoose. Blackford Oakes, the CIA's urbane ace agent, becomes point man in the plot. Then Oakes learns there is a counterplan, one that scripts Oakes out of the play! "In many respects the boldest, subtlest Blackford Oakes novel, MONGOOSE R.I.P. marks a dramatic turn in the best-selling adventures of the of the character called the American James Bond. Buckley's now-classic blend of gravity and humour, history and fancy, ineluctability and free will are here at their most exhilarating." (Publisher's Source)

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