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Hepatology : principles and practice, history, morphology, biochemistry, diagnostics, clinic, therapy

Autor: Kuntz, Hans-Dieter
Rok: c2002
ISBN: 9783540421610
OKCZID: 110859380

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
KUNTZ, Erwin. Hepatology: principles and practice, history, morphology, biochemistry, diagnostics, clinic, therapy. Berlin: Springer, c2002. XI, 825 s.



Everything about morphology, biochemistry, diagnostics, clinics and therapy of liver diseases in a easy-to-read layout. Numerous colour illustrations and tables lead from "seeing" to "understanding" and further on to diagnostic and therapeutic "acting". In addition, step-by-step programs, flow charts, check lists and textual markers provide the reader with the principles of economics and quality management in diagnostics and therapy. The conservative or invasive therapeutical recommondations presented in the individual chapters are systematically summarized and completed in the final chapter. This book gives an exceptional good overview on hepatology, not only for specialists in clinic and practice but also for general practioners and students.

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