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Biomarkers in cancer chemoprevention

Rok: 2001
ISBN: 9789283221548
OCLC Number: (OCoLC)47137223
OKCZID: 110860149

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Biomarkers in cancer chemoprevention. Editor A. B MILLER. Lyon :, Carey: International Agency for Research on Cancer ;, Distributed in the USA by Oxford University Press, 2001, 294 s. IARC scientific publications,, no. 154. ISBN 92-832-2154-0.



The evaluation of potential cancer chemopreventive agents require large, long-term, randomized trials in humans. Biomarkers that would allow the identification of subjects exposed to carcinogenic agents, or of individuals genetically, susceptible to cancer would be of great value. This volume is the product of an attempt to assess current knowledge and experience with the use of biomarkers in cancer chemoprevention. It comprises an expert report on the current state of the art use of biomarkers in cancer chemoprevention, introductory sections covering general topics in cancer chemoprevention, and contributions, directed to biomarkers of exposure, intermediate effect and susceptibility relating to six major cancer sites: skin, colorectum, breast, prostate, liver, and upper aerodigestive tract.

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