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Health Technology assessment and Health Policy-Making in Europe

Rok: 2009
ISBN: 9789289042932
OKCZID: 110861179

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
VELASCO-GARRIDO, Marcial. Health technology assessment and health policy-making in Europe: current status, challenges, and potential. Copenhagen: World Health Organization on behalf of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, [2008]. xiv, 181 stran. Observatory studies series, no. 14.



New technologies with the potential to improve the health of populations are continuously being introduced. But not every technological development results in clear health gains. Health technology assessment provides evidence-based information on the coverage and usage of health technologies, enabling them to be evaluated properly and applied to health care efficaciously, promoting the most effective ones while also taking into account organizational, societal and ethical issues. This book reviews the relationship between health technology assessment and policy-making, and examines how to increase the contribution such research makes to policy- and decision-making processes. By communicating the value and potential of health technology assessment to a wider audience, both within and beyond decision-making and health care management, it aims ultimately to contribute to improve the health status of the population through the delivery of optimum health services.

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