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Essentials of Gynecology

Rok: 2005
ISBN: 9781904798293
OKCZID: 110866893



This book takes the life cycle approach to the science of gynaecology, and is divided into 3 distinct sections:- general gynecology, reproductive endocrinology and assisted conception, and gynecologic oncology. Within these sections particular attention is paid to crucial issues such as contraception and sub-fertility, STDs and pelvic diseases, menopause and cancer screening.Also available: Essentials of Obstetrics - ISBN 1904798179 Essentials of Ocular Pharmacology And Therapeutics - ISBN 1905740018Anshan Publishers is a publisher of fine medical, scientific, and technical books. We find the best titles from our worldwide publishing partners and bring them to the global marketplace. We publish in a wide range of fields, including:- Anatomy Anesthesia Cardiology Dermatology Hospital Acquired Infections/Epidemiology Obstetrics & Gynecology Ophthalmology Orthopedics Pain Management Pathology Pediatrics Pharmacy Radiology Surgery Ultrasound, ECG, and Echo

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