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Current Surgical Therapy (Current Therapy Series)

Rok: 1992
ISBN: 9781556643583
OKCZID: 110867663



Greatly expanded, with new topics added to virtually every section, this state-of-the-art book is an ideal study tool for examinations and for senior surgeons. Each topic is covered by a surgeon who presents his or her views on the surgical management of a given disease. All 232 chapters are completely new and the new group of contributors bring fresh perspective to topics of general surgery. New to the 4th edition: 30% larger than the third edition; 44 chapters on entirely new topics, many dealing with new techniques (eg laparoscopic cholecstectomy, lithotripsy for gallstones and common duct stones, interventional radiology for obstructive jaundice) and topics of increasing importance (eg minimizing risks of HIV infection in the operating room, reconstruction following mastectomy, prevention of venous thrombosis in the surgical patient); completely new section on surgical critical care containing 13 chapters on topics such as patient monitoring, sepsis, and nutrition for critically ill patients; and 211 new illustrations.

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