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International Travel and Health: Situation As on 1 January 2003

Rok: 2003
ISBN: 9789241580281
OKCZID: 110872681



This edition of International travel and health was completely redesigned in 2002 to reflect better knowledge about the risks to which travellers are exposed and the precautions needed to protect their health. The book offers guidance on the full range of health risks likely to be encountered at specific destinations and associated with different types of travel - from business, humanitarian and leisure travel to backpacking and adventure tours. Information is intended to help the medical profession be fully alert to potential risks and provide appropriate advice, whether concerning recommended vaccinations, protection against insects and other disease vectors, or safety in different environmental settings. Information on infectious diseases of potential risk for travellers has also been greatly expanded. Additional chapters describe vaccine-preventable diseases, vaccines for routine and selective use, and selection criteria, and offer detailed guidance on malaria, the most important infectious disease threat for travellers.

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