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Constituting Equality: Gender Equality and Comparative Constitutional Law

Rok: 2009
ISBN: 9780521898362
OKCZID: 110875940

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
WILLIAMS, Susan Hoffman, ed. Constituting equality: gender equality and comparative constitutional law [elektronický zdroj]. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. xv, 362 p.



Constituting Equality addresses the question, how would you write a constitution if you really cared about gender equality? The book takes a design-oriented approach to the broad range of issues that arise in constitutional drafting concerning gender equality. Each section of the book examines a particular set of constitutional issues or doctrines across a range of different countries to explore what works, where, and why. Topics include (1) governmental structure (particularly electoral gender quotas); (2) rights provisions; (3) constitutional recognition for cultural or religious practices that discriminate against women; (4) domestic incorporation of international law; and (5) the role of women in the process of constitution-making. Interdisciplinary in orientation and global in scope, the book provides a menu for constitutional designers and others interested in how the fundamental legal order might more effectively promote gender equality.

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