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POP: How Graphic Design Shapes Popular Culture

Rok: 2010
ISBN: 9781581157154
OKCZID: 110877923



“Pop culture is often maligned as fleeting, but history shows that sometimes what is pop in one culture has time-honored resonance in later ones. This book is an attempt to show that pop culture, especially as seen through the lenses of design, illustration, satiric and political art (and other things), is integral to a broader understanding of who we are and where we are going.”—Steven Heller, from the Introduction   How do popular culture and graphic design influence one another? What are the goals of design? Are they to sell? To package? To entertain? The answers to these questions are complicated and are intimately tied to the effect design has on the overall culture. POP is the first book to analyze the role of graphic design in the broader culture, as well as the impact of design on other art and entertainment forms, from album covers to baseball stadiums. Author Steven Heller addresses such subjects as:   --pop icons  --viral and guerilla advertising  --political satire  --the history of Interview, Monocle, Mad, and other magazines  --illusionism and three-dimensional design  --art for art’s sake  --design vs. decoration  --the return of hand lettering  --art for the masses    POP spans over 150 years during which popular culture has influenced mass perception and behavior. Illustrated by more than fifty images, POP is sure to inspire both aspiring and experienced designers.  

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