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Integrative biological psychiatry

Rok: 1992
ISBN: 9783540549468
OKCZID: 110887043

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Integrative biological psychiatry. Editor Michael WIEGANG, editor Hinderk M. EMRICH. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1992, 295 s. ISBN 3-540-54946-3.



The important feature of this work is the integration of ethology, anthropological aspects, relevance of development disorders of human communication with neuropsychological, neuropharmacological and clinical review. The main result of this book is the finding that psychiatric disorders have to be regarded as `systemic illnesses` and that the different levels of organization from molecular biology up to ethology and communication have to be recognized. The costumers can expect to be informed about present state and future perspectives of several main topics of biological psychiatry. The ethological foundations of Biological Psychiatry as derived from animal models in primates, in combination with early integrative communicative development and genetic leading to a systems- theory of psychoses. Furthermore, peptide research, the work on the clinical basis of effects of anticonvulvants in affective disorders and the development of animal models of anorexia nervosa leading to clinical aspects of this topic, represents the second part. In the fields of chronobiology and sleep research recent findings regarding annual cycles and recent insights into the functional role of day-time naps following therapeutic sleep deprivation are reported. Furthermore, the theory of schizo-affective psychoses in relation to Kraepelin`s paradigms as well as other problems of classification, theories about comorbidity and findings in alcoholism research are discussed under recent pathophysiological aspects.

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