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Educating the Educators in Tourism: A Manual of Tourism and Hospitality Education (Tourism Education and Training Series)

Rok: 1996
ISBN: 9789284401512
OKCZID: 110894514

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
COOPER, Chris. Educating the educators in tourism: a manual of tourism and hospitality education. 1. ed. Surrey: University of Surrey, 1996. xxi, 221 s.



This publication is designed to be used by participants in the UNWTO's tourism education and training courses, but can also be used for independent study. In its approach, the book emphasizes the importance of achieving quality in tourism education, and responding to the needs of tourism employers and professionals. Educating the Educators covers curriculum design, tourism education quality analysis, research methodology, and new trends in tourism education. It is also applicable to the problems of training in private companies and new resorts.

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