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Traveling throught the eye of history

Autor: Schwartz, Daniel
Rok: 2009
ISBN: 9780500542903
OKCZID: 110895482
Vydání: First published

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
SCHWARTZ, Daniel. Traveling throught the eye of history. First published. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2009. 275 nečíslovaných stran.



Central Asia is the subject matter of this travelogue by a photographer working in the tradition of the great nineteenth-century explorers.The Silk Road, Transcaspia, the Pamir Highway, the Alai Corridor, the Khyber Pass, the Taklamakhan Desert: this is the magnificent terrain where the geopolitical ambitions of empires have played out. Central Asia is the largest natural fortress on earth, traversed by a few routes that have been used by traders and armies since earliest times and are still today the arteries for those in search of power, profit, or refuge. Warlords, border officials, businessmen, smugglers, and refugees are among those who populate the landscapes depicted here, from desert heartlands to zones of war and uneasy peace. 165 color photographs

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