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Autor: J. Kielhorn
Rok: 2004
ISBN: 9789241530576
OKCZID: 110898342

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
KIELHORN, J.. Glyoxal. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2004, 43 s. Concise international chemical assessment document,, 57. ISBN 92-4-153057-X.



This book evaluates the risk to human health and the environment posed by exposures to glyoxal. Glyoxal is used as a chemical intermediate in the production of pharmaceuticals and dyestuffs, as a cross-linking agent in the production of a range of different polymers, as a biocide and as a disinfecting agent. Glyoxal is frequently detected in fermented food and beverages, since it is produced by microbial activity as well as non-enzymatic autoxidation of oil, or browning reactions of saccharides. The general population is exposed mainly through ingestion of glyoxal-containing food, but could be exposed through polluted air in urban regions and through traces of glyoxal in drinking water. The main routes of occupational exposure to glyoxal during use as a disinfectant are via inhalation of aerosol or dermal absorption.

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