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The therapeutic touch: How to use your hands to help or to heal

Rok: 1986
ISBN: 9780139148125
OKCZID: 110903731



Whether it be to relieve a headache, calm a muscle spasm, soothe a crying baby, or alleviate your own abdominal cramps. The Therapeutic Touch shows you how you can use your hands to help or to heal someone who is sick. By explaining what happens during the four different stages of therapeutic touching. Dr. Krieger shows you how to detect when a person is sick, pinpoint where the pain is, and stimulate the recuperative powers of the sick person. With accurate descriptions of the changes that take place in body temperature, levels of consciousness, and physiology during this intense interaction, this book helps you interpret your healing experience and get the most meaning from it. The Therapeutic Touch recaptures a simple, ancient mode of healing and shows how you can now become on integral part of your own or someone else's healing process.

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