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Multi-Systemic Auto-Immune Diseases: An Integrated Approach: Dermatological and Internal Aspects

Rok: 1999
ISBN: 9780444818966
OKCZID: 110905225



The views of a group of specialists on multi-systemic auto-immune diseases are brought together in this book, which describes a selection of the diseases according to what has been called an "integrated approach". The volume includes descriptions of the clinical picture, histology, laboratory work-up necessary for diagnosis, differential diagnosis, clarification of the mechanisms operative in pathophysiology, specific guidelines for application of immunological laboratory investigations, and practical approaches and advice for therapy. It also gives personal views of the contributors as to which regimen to recommend in a certain situation. The book should be of interest to those undertaking postgraduate courses in internal medicine, dermatology, rheumatology, neurology or immunology.

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