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T Lymphocytes in the Liver: Immunobiology, Pathology and Host Defense

Rok: 1999
ISBN: 9780471192183
OKCZID: 110911729



T Lymphocytes in the Liver is the first book to offer a comprehensive review of the newly understood relationship between the liver and the immune system. This edited volume examines the immunobiology of T cells - the way their behavior in the liver differs from that in other organs, and, conversely, the liver's ability to effect changes in the activity of such immune cells. A number of relevant, cutting-edge issues are considered, including vaccine development, the liver's potential role in autoimmune tissue damage, tolerance and transplant rejection, and the use of animal organs for human patients. Contributing authors from diverse specialties discuss topics including: * T cells expressing antigen receptors in the liver * Active T cells in the liver * Extrathymic T cells in the liver * The induction of peripheral tolerance by portal vein administration of antigen * The immunobiology of viral hepatitis * Immunity to Listeria monocytogenes infection of the liver * Malaria and the liver * T cells and autoimmune liver disease * Hepatic T cells in primary sclerosing cholangitis and autoimmune hepatitis

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