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Drugs in American Society

Rok: 1988
ISBN: 9780075540229
OKCZID: 110912815



This is a highly regarded core text by a major name in the field. The central philosophy of this text is a respect for the facts, research, and data. Goode draws the line between theory and reality, thus avoiding ideological biases and unsubstantiable polemics. He lets the evidence speak for itself. As in his previous editions, Goode provides balanced coverage of the use and abuse of drugs (and alcohol). There are many books on drug abuse and addiction; most are oriented more toward criminal justice and pharmacology. Goode remains unique in his emphasis on the sociological perspective, as he focuses on drug use and abuse in their social and cultural context. The fifth edition has been substantially revised; it's much more than a simple update. While retaining his coverage of the basic pharmacology, theory, history, and epidemiology, Goode has added three new chapters; " Drugs and Crime and Violence," "Drug Treatment, Drug Testing, and Drug Education," and "Drugs and the Law." As before, he includes first-hand accounts of drug users that students can relate to. While its primary market is in sociology (e.g., deviance and social problems), it is also used in courses in criminal justice, psychology, and public policy.

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