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Introduction to microfluidics

Autor: Tabeling, P.
Rok: 2005
ISBN: 9780198568643
OKCZID: 110928396

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
TABELING, Patrick. Introduction to microfluidics. New York: Oxford University Press, c2005. vii, 301 s.



Microfluidics deals with fluids flowing in miniaturized systems. It is a young discipline, which is expected to substantially expand over the next few years, stimulated by the considerable development of applications in the pharmaceutical, biomedical and chemical engineering domains. The book is an introduction to this discipline. The first chapter presents a short historical background and discusses the main perspectives of the domain, at economical and scientific levels. Then the physics of miniaturization and the fluid mechanics of microflows are discussed. In the following three chapters, dispersion, electrical and thermal phenomena in miniaturized devices are presented. A brief introduction to microfabrication techniques is given in Chap VI and the book concludes by providing a few examples of microfluidic systems.Introduction to Microfluidics is written in a simple, direct, pedagogical way; it emphasizes concepts and understanding, rather than technical detail. It offers a cross-disciplinary view of the field, embracing biological, chemical, physical and engineering perspectives. The book wil provide the reader with the concepts, methods and data they need to grasp situations which typically arise in microfluidic systems.

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