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Myeloma :biology and management

Rok: 1995
ISBN: 9780192624802
OKCZID: 110938999
Vydání: [1st ed.]

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BERGSAGEL, Daniel E., ed., KYLE, Robert A., ed. a MALPAS, J. S., ed. Myeloma: biology and management. [1st ed.]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. xiii,581 s. Oxford medical publications, Oxford medical publications.



The past few years have seen a rapidly developing interest in myeloma. There has been an explosion of new knowledge in the biology of the myeloma cell, and the first indications have appeared that some of this knowledge could be clinically applied. Newly accepted and successful treatments are now changing established practice in the therapy of myeloma. This book provides a major, comprehensive text on multiple myeloma. It covers pathophysiology, clincial features, complications and management, and is an authoritative guide to clinical practice, with a strong emphasis on the fundamental biology which underlies the disease.

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