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Greek Funerary Sculpture: Catalogue of the Collections at the Getty Villa (Getty Trust Publications: J. Paul Getty Museum)

Rok: 2002
ISBN: 9780892366125
OKCZID: 110949488

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
GROSSMAN, Janet Burnett. Greek funerary sculpture: catalogue of the collections at the Getty Villa. Los Angeles: The J. Paul Getty Museum, 2001. 159 s.



Much of the sculpture created in ancient Greece that has survived is funerary in nature. These markers commemorating the dead were traditionally placed along roads near the entrances to cities, where they could be seen by all. Although the monuments vary greatly in style, quality, and elaboration, they reach across the millennia speaking the universal language of human grief. This illustrated catalogue presents fifty-nine Greek funerary monuments in the Antiquities collection of the Getty Museum. Spanning the Classical and Hellenistic periods, this collection offers new insight into Greek art and society that will be of interest to both scholars and the general public.

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