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James Turrell: The Art of Light and Space

Rok: 1990
ISBN: 9780520067288
OKCZID: 111058655



The Art of Light and Space is the first major overview of one of the most independent and accomplished artists of our time. For the benefit of art historians, artists, and the general reader, Craig Adcock examines, with the support of many illustrations, the full range of James Turrell's life and art. He gives special attention to the artist's fashioning of light and space to create works of great contemplative beauty, intellectual depth, and technical sophistication.Adcock explains how Turrell's work has developed to address the very nature of visual perception--its wonders and its limitations. Presented in the context of developments in contemporary art since the 1960s, Turrell's non-object pieces, his light projections and large-scale installations, and his monumental work-in-progress--the Roden Crater project--take on a significance and integrity that have not previously been fully revealed. Turrell's work has been collected and exhibited widely, and he has received a number of important grants including the prestigious MacArthur Foundation Prize.

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