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Jeff Koons

Autor: Koons Jeff
Rok: 2009
ISBN: 9783836503280
OKCZID: 111095221

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
KOONS, Jeff a HOLZWARTH, Hans Werner, ed. Jeff Koons. Köln: Taschen, 2009. 591 s.



The Post-Pop Superstar: An in-depth study of Koons' entire oeuvre to date Which living artists keep their price? Who will be regarded as an investment 30 years from now? Both limited edition artist monographs of this book sold out in months, attaining instant investment status. Here comes the standard edition! The definitive work on the most controversial artist of his generation: see the exhibition in Berlin and remember why you’ve always loved Koons, even though you’d love to hate him—he’s not only richer, but better looking. Then plunge into this Taschen überwerk and revel in the kinky and kitsch, but always conceptual art of Jeff Koons. Basketballs in tanks! Stainless steel blow-ups! Topiary dog sculptures! Michael and Bubbles in porcelain. No artist since Warhol has made the banal appear so profound, and the trivial carry such import.

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