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Hormonal Regulation of Development.[Part] 1,Molecular Aspects of Plant Hormones

Rok: 1980
ISBN: 9783540101611
OKCZID: 111199542

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Hormonal Regulation of Development. Editor J. MACMILLAN. Berlin: Springer, 1980, 681 s. Encyklopedia of Plant Physiology. N.S., Vol. 9. ISBN 3-540-10161-6.



This is the first of the set of three volumes in the Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology, New Series, that will cover the area of the hormonal regulation of plant growth and development. The overall plan for the set assumes that this area of plant physiology is sufficiently mature for a review of current knowledge to be organized in terms of unifying principles and processes. Reviews in the past have generally treated each class of hormone individually, but this set of volumes is subdivided according to the properties common to all classes. Such an organization permits the examination of the hypothesis that differing classes of hormones, acting according to common principles, are determinants of processes and phases in plant development. Also in keeping with this theme, a plant hormone is defined as a compound with the properties held in common by the native members of the recognized classes of hormone. Current knowledge of the hormonal regulation of plant development is grouped so that the three volumes consider advancing levels of organizational complexity, viz: molecular and subcellular; cells, tissues, organs, and the plant as an organized whole; and the plant in relation to its environment. The present volume treats the molecular and subcellular aspects of hormones and the processes they regulate. Although it deals with chemically distinct classes of hormone, this volume stresses properties and modes of studying them, that are common to all classes.

Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU

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