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ISBN 9781935182191

ISBN: 9781935182191
OKCZID: 111256491

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
LAM, Chuck. Hadoop in action. Stamford: Manning, c2011. xxi, 312 s.



HIGHLIGHTHadoop in Actionis an example-rich tutorial that shows developers how toimplement data-intensive distributed computing using Hadoop and the Map-Reduce framework.DESCRIPTIONHadoop is an open source implementation of Google's MapReduce frameworkfor scalable, distributed data processing. Hadoop in Action is for programmers,architects, and project managers who have to process large amounts of dataoffline.The book begins with several simple examples that illustrate the basic ideabehind Hadoop. Later chapters explain the core framework components anddemonstrate Hadoop in a variety of data analysis tasks. Throughout the book,readers will learn best practices and design patterns, and how to write meaningfulprograms in a MapReduce framework.KEY POINTS?Explains distributed computing, MapReduce, and the Hadoop framework?Focuses on most-used features and rapid development solutions? Numerous hands-on examples to illustrate abstract ideas?Concise, developer-centric, ?n Action?style?Multiple case studies demonstrate real-world Hadoop uses?Covers popular Hadoop extensions that ease development and extendfunctionality

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