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Katherine Avenue

Autor: Sultan Larry
Rok: c2010
ISBN: 9783869301358
OKCZID: 111366342
Vydání: 1st ed.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
SULTAN, Larry a ZANDER, Thomas, ed. Katherine Avenue. 1st ed. Cologne: Galerie Thomas Zander, c2010. 131 s.



This book brings together three of Larry Sultan's best known series: "Pictures from Home", "The Valley" and "Homeland". Made principally in the San Fernando Valley, where the artist grew up, in these works Larry Sultan explored the domestic landscape of his childhood and adolescence by photographing and re-presenting photographs of his parents, their home, and their experience of the American Dream. Wandering further behind this Californian fabric, he photographed in suburban homes serving as sets in the pornographic industry. His work culminated in a series of tableau of Latino day labourers undertaking prosaic tasks on the peripheries of these suburban sites - the kind of places where, growing up, he would find his own sense of space and freedom.

Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU

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