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Autor: Patterson James
Rok: 2009
ISBN: 9781846052637
OKCZID: 111445555

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
PATTERSON, James. Swimsuit. London: Century, 2009. 407 s.



A beautiful life. A terrible death... A breathtakingly beautiful supermodel disappears from a swimsuit photo shoot at the most glamorous hotel in Hawaii. Only hours after she goes missing, Kim McDaniels' parents receive a terrifying phone call. Fearing the worst, they board the first flight to Maui and begin the hunt for their daughter. Ex-cop Ben Hawkins, now a reporter for the LA Times, gets the McDaniels assignment. The ineptitude of the local police force defies belief - Ben has to start his own investigation for Kim McDaniels to have a prayer ... and for Ben to have the story of his life. All the while, the killer sets the stage for his next production. His audience expects the best - and they won't be disappointed. Swimsuit is a heart-pounding story of fear and desire, transporting you to a place where beauty and murder collide and unspeakable horrors are hidden within paradise. ___________________________ 'Patterson's annual thriller is another exceptional treat' Mirror 'Billed as one of his scariest yet. It terrified me rigid – but there was no way in a million years I could put it down ... utterly compulsive' Daily Express 'The thriller genre's leading goal scorer ... Pulp fiction at its most moreish' Shortlist 'Another edge-of-your-seat thriller from James Patterson' Asda Magazine 'His usual brilliant blend of pace and intrigue' Mirror

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