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System for ophthalmic dispensing | ||
Autor: Clifford W. Brooks, Irvin M. Borish AnotaceThe ultimate ophthalmic dispensing reference, this book provides a step-by-step system for properly fitting and adjusting eyewear. It covers every aspect of dispensing ― from basic terminology to frame selection to eyewear fitting, adjusting, and repairing. Perfect for both students who are just learning about dispensing and practitioners who want to keep their skills up to date, this resource offers in-depth discussions of all types of lenses, including multifocal, progressive, absorptive, safety, recreational, aspheric, and high index. Plus, it goes beyond the basics to explore the "how" and "why" behind lens selection, to help you better understand and meet your patients' vision needs. A glossary of key terms provides easy access to definitions. Proficiency tests at the end of each chapter reinforce your understanding of the material through multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, matching, and true/false questions. A new full-color design with hundreds of illustrations that clearly demonstrate key procedures, concepts, and techniques. Updated coverage of the latest dispensing procedures and equipment. Detailed information on the newest types of lenses, including progressive, absorptive, aspheric, and atoric. Updated photos feature more current frames and lenses, keeping the book up to date with today's eye care trends. Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU |