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Creating sketchbooks for embroiderers and textile artists | ||
Rok: 2005 AnotaceSketchbooks are invaluable companions for artists and an essential part of today’s textile courses, and now, at last, there’s a book that shows embroiderers and textile students how to make the most of their sketchbook practice. Through fascinating glimpses into the sketchbooks of leading textile artists, this beautifully illustrated, first-of-its-kind guide shows from first sketches to finished pieces how to use a sketchbook to develop ideas, record personal observations, experiment with materials, and create sketchbooks that are works of art in themselves. Sketching in museums, coloring pages, mark-making, drawing and collage, 3-D work, e-sketchbooks, and more are covered. A must-have for students, embroiderers, and textile artists of all abilities. Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU |