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Mass in D majorThree spiritual songs ; Organ compositions

Autor: Dvořák Antonín
Rok: p2001
EAN: 8595056601421
OKCZID: 112145734



Dvorák´s Mass in D-major, better known in its instru-mentation for orchestra, is presented in this recording in its original version featuring a small mixed choir and romantic organ and, what is more, played in the Lužany chateaux chapel, for which it was composed and where it was also performed for the first time. The listener´s experience is enhanced by the period-inspired presentation as developed by conductor and organist Adam Viktora, as well as by the natural vocal performance of all members of the Ensemble Inégal. In addition, the CD carries spiritual songs and organ compositions.

Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU

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