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Essays on archaeological typology

Autor: Robert Whallon, James Allison Brown
Rok: 1982
ISBN: 9780942118155
OKCZID: 112271735

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
WHALLON, Robert, ed. a BROWN, James Allison, ed. Essays on archaeological typology. Evanston, Illinois: Center for American Archeology Press, [1982]. xix, 200 stran. Kampsville seminars in archeology, volume 1.



First printing in trade paperback. From the library of archaeologist M.A. Tisdale with his last name written on the front cover. 157 pp. Plates, tables, references. Professor Tisdale has some pencil underlining and marginal notes in the text, also some on the title page which have been erased. The spine has a roll, some creasing and sunning, and some small splits to the ends. The front cover has a small faint stain. Fair.

Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU

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