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Encyclopedia of Disability

Autor: Gary L. Albrecht (ed.)
Rok: 2005
ISBN: 9781412927130
OKCZID: 113437401



SAGE Reference is proud to announce the five-volume Encyclopedia of Disability. This encyclopedia represents the first attempt to bring an authoritative reference resource to the many faces of disability. More than 500 world-renowned scholars have written over 1,000 entries ―in a clear, accessible style―with the desire to bring all students, researchers, and interested readers closer to the daily experience of disability. Volumes 1 - 4 cover disability A to Z, including a reader′s guide, comprehensive bibliography, and index. Volume 5 contains a wealth of primary source documents in the field of disability. The Encyclopedia of Disability is a must-have reference for all academic libraries, large public libraries, and any social science, medical, legal, or governmental reference collections. Non-governmental organizations, charitable foundations, and law firms will also want to add this set to their collections.

Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU

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