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The Andalucian Friend (Brinkmann Trilogy #1)

Autor: Söderberg Alexander
Rok: 2014
ISBN: 9780099575894
NKP-CNB: cba001-0515286
OKCZID: 114249188

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
SÖDERBERG, Alexander. The Andalucian friend. London: Vintage Books, 2014. 446 s. Brinkmann trilogy, book 1.



When Sophie Brinkmann meets Hector Guzman, she knows everything that she needs to: he's handsome, he's charming and he makes her happy. But what she doesn't know is that Hector has some nasty friends, some even nastier enemies, and an unscrupulous police operation relentlessly following his every move. With her house under surveillance by the law and her life under threat from drug traffickers, gangsters and hitmen, Sophie must decide who she can trust - and whose side she really wants to be on.

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