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Calling Mrs Christmas

Autor: Carole Matthews
Rok: 2013
ISBN: 9780751545586
OKCZID: 114606764

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
MATTHEWS, Carole. Calling Mrs Christmas. Paperback edition. London: Sphere, 2013. 460 stran, 12 nečíslovaných stran.



Cassie Smith has been out of work for a while but she has an idea. Drawing on her love of Christmas, she begins charging for small things: wrapping presents; writing cards; tree-decorating. She's soon in huge demand and Cassie's business, Calling Mrs Christmas, is born. Carter Randall wants to make Christmas special for his children, so he enlists Cassie's help, and his lavish requests start taking up all her time. Thank goodness she can rely on her loving partner Jim to handle the rest of her clients. When millionaire Carter asks Cassie to join his family on a trip to Lapland, she knows she shouldn't go ...Suddenly Cassie finds herself facing a heart-breaking choice that could change her entire life. Join Cassie as she takes you on a romantic and emotional rollercoaster ride in Calling Mrs Christmas.

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