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The community in urban society | ||
Autor: Lyon Larry AnotaceThe community is more than an abstract object of theoretical inquiry. It is also a place where people live. It is difficult to determine where community research and theory merge, because the community is a unique place where theory and the "real" world come together. Local conditions change and new research techniques emerge. In the second edition of The Community in Urban Society, the authors solve this problem by distilling the historic and foundational theories of community, applying traditional approaches (typology, ecology, systems theory, and conflict theory) to current conditions, and exploring new and relevant theories that impact today's communities. The latest edition also examines recent and emerging technologies that facilitate examination and evaluation of the modern community condition. Updated coverage includes topics such as New Urbanism, modern network analysis methods, the urban political economy approach to community, the growth machine approach, GIS mapping, recent holistic studies, cyberspace communities, and up-to-date discussions of community indicator studies, quality of life, community power, and regime politics. Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU |