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Robinson Crusoe

Autor: Daniel Defoe
Rok: 2015
ISBN: 9788853620231
OKCZID: 127515208

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
SARDI, Silvana a DEFOE, Daniel, ed. Robinson Crusoe. Ilustrace Matteo BERTON. First edition. Recanati: ELI, 2015. 78 stran. Young adult ELI readers. Stage 1.



Crusoe's father wants him to lead an ordinary honest life at home, but Crusoe wants nothing more than to travel around the world. His first voyage is a disaster but he survives and instead of returning home he travels to Brazil... At the age of eighteen, Robinson Crusoe, a young Englishman, leaves his family to see the world. One night, there's a terrible storm. His ship goes down and all his friends are lost. Robinson manages to reach an island. What will he do all by himself? How will he live? Will he ever see England again? CEFR Level: A1

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