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The haunting of Aveline Jones

Autor: Hickes, Phil
Rok: 2020
ISBN: 9781474972147
OKCZID: 128728421

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
HICKES, Phil. The haunting of Aveline Jones. Ilustrace Keith ROBINSON. London: Usborne, 2020. 215 stran.



Turn on your torches and join Aveline Jones! Aveline loves reading ghost stories, so a dreary half-term becomes much more exciting when she discovers a spooky old book. Not only are the stories spine-tingling, but it belonged to a girl called Primrose Penberthy, who vanished mysteriously, never to be seen again. Intrigued, Aveline decides to investigate Primrose's disappearance, with some help from her new friend, Harold. Now someone...or something, is stirring. And it is looking for Aveline. The first in a deliciously spine-tingling, spooky new series, where mysteries are always solved, spirits are always laid to rest, and everybody gets to bed on time. Perfect for adventurers aged 9+ and fans of Michelle Harrison, Piers Torday and Jamie Littler.

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