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Jacobo Lacs : parrot breeding under the Panamanian sun : 55 years of experience in aviculture : welcome to the Del Istmo Conservation Center : proven breeding tips

Autor: Alena Winnerová, Jacobo Lacs, Hana Ash, Christopher Ash
Rok: 2022
ISBN: 9788090733299
NKP-CNB: cnb003442400
OKCZID: 128924392

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
WINNEROVÁ, Alena. Jacobo Lacs: parrot breeding under the Panamanian sun : 55 years of experience in aviculture : welcome to the Del Istmo Conservation Center : proven breeding tips. Překlad Hana ASH, překlad Christopher ASH. First published. [Dubné]: Fynbos, 2022. 331 stran.



This publication will take you to the romantic Caribbean coast to Puerto Lindo in Panama. Located here is an extraordinary conservation centre, including a breeding facility and zoo, called the "Del Istmo Conservation Center", where 450 species and subspecies of birds and 50 species of mammals are taken care of. Get a glimpse into the interesting life of its founder, the famous bird expert Jacobo Lacs, who shares the best breeding methods as well as many useful practical tips, drawn from his 55 years of experience.

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