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Cultures of Inclusive Education and Democratic Citizenship

ISBN: 9788024650272
ISBN: 9788024650128
OKCZID: 129111449



Inclusive education has aroused heated debate among teachers, parents, politicians, and the general public, yet for many involved and affected the basic concepts and real goals of inclusion are unclear or misunderstood. Presenting research by scholars from the Czech Republic, France, Norway, Poland, Canada, and Switzerland on education, democratic citizenship, and the inclusive philosophies and politics of various countries, Cultures of Inclusive Education and Democratic Citizenship examines and clarifies the cultural, professional, and political issues surrounding the implementation of inclusive education. The first section of the book examines the epistemology of the inclusive process. The second section compares the logic of inclusion from an international perspective. The final section explores concrete problems encountered in the different states represented.

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Československá bibliografická databáze

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