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May Flowers

Autor: Louisa May Alcott
Rok: 2022
EAN: 9990003838582
ISBN: 9788726903034
OKCZID: 129164351



‘We can't do much, being "only girls, "' said Anna; 'but if each does one small chore somewhere it will pave the way for better work’. From the author of 'Little Women', this short story follows a group of young Boston girls who discover the power of kindness and of sharing their abundance. As descendants of the Pilgrim Fathers, they call themselves the May Flower Club. Instead of gathering to sew and read, they decide to spend their time helping the poor over the winter. They each choose and commit to a project, which they will reveal to each other the following spring if they succeed. But success does not come without struggle. Inspiring, wholesome, and filled with lessons applicable in our world today, "May Flowers" is a classic Louisa May Alcott story.

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