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Under False Pretences

Autor: Adeline Sergeant
Rok: 2022
EAN: 9990003840059
ISBN: 9788728110324
OKCZID: 129230005



When Richard Luttrell is killed in an apparent accident by his brother, Brian, a cataclysmic chain of events is set in motion. ‘Under False Pretences’ follows the fortunes of Richard’s younger cousin, Hugo, and his mission to uncover the truth behind the killing. As Hugo travels the globe, he uncovers a long-kept secret and is faced with some life-changing decisions. Throw in no fewer than two shipwrecks, a kidnapping, and the occasional dose of ‘brain-fever,’ and you’ve got all the ingredients necessary to cook up a rollicking adventure! ‘Under False Pretences’ is a taut novel, full of twists and turns. It is the perfect read for those looking for an introduction to Sergeant’s work.

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